Happy Fireworks Day
Yay! With a great holiday comes a great new Red Vs Blue P.S.A. announcement. Check it here. It's actually under a post made on July 3rd. A little premature but still excellent.
In other news I saw two good movies recently. Firstly, Spider Man 2. I hadn't seen the first one so I had no idea what to expect. I just know there was a lot of hype, so naturally I wanted to check it out. It was better than I thought it would be. It's not going to make you rethink your life or anything but it's still worth seeing. Now on to a movie that may make you rethink your life, that is if you're a Bush supporter, I don't know, maybe not. Fahrenheit 9/11 was definitely good, even if you're not a Michael Moore fan you have to admit that the man has skills. It is a very well made documentary and you can tell that Moore spent a whole lot of time on it. Congrats to him. Now don't blow yourself up.
Moore's documentary is full of half-truths, and the scenes he dipicts happen out of order. He just leaves out alot of details on other.
Such as:
The saudi flights ---- Happened after the US airspace had reopened
The saudi money- 1.18 billion of the 1.4 was given to BMD a subsidary of Carlyle group for defense contracting in Saudi Arabia. During the time of this deal no Bush (41 or 43) had anything to do with Carlyle Group.
The taliban connection- The oil pipeline was for unocal and the meeting happend in houston but during the Clinton administration which pushed the idea as a way to block Iran and Russia from similar oil pipelines.
By Anonymous, at July 13, 2004 at 1:23 AM
First of all, airspace was re-opened on September 14th while the Saudis were escorted out on September 13th. It is true that some of the flights happened after airspace was open but the point is that the Bush administration just let them go without questioning them. Next, it is actually the BDM, not the BMD. While it is true that $1.18 million was given to BDM and BDM was sold by the Carlyle group before Bush became involved, the fact remains that the money that the Saudis sunk into Carlyle was still in use, thus so was the Saudi's influence still present with the Bush's. Finally, on the oil pipeline. The meeting did happen during the Clinton administration and Moore does say that Bush was Governor when the meeting occurred. However, the plan did not come through until 2002, when Bush was president. If you need confirmation, Michael Moore cites his sources on his website and a simple Google search will help.
By Zeus, at July 13, 2004 at 2:09 AM
The plane that left on 9/13 from Tampa Int'l Airport was when Tampa was already open and the plane went to Lexington. Now, I know that a terrorist strike against Chruchill Downs would crush the horse racing industry, but otherwise this flight seems perfectly fine. Moore even says and I quote " “At least six private jets and nearly two dozen commercial planes carried the Saudis and the bin Ladens out of the U.S. after September 13th. In all, 142 Saudis, including 24 members of the bin Laden family, were allowed to leave the country.” Thus Moore admits it happened when US airspace was in fact opened. Also, the saudi flights left between 9/14 and the 27th of September I do believe. The names of all aboard these flights were cross refrenced with the TIPOFF system, which was the databank of people with known terror connections that was in place at the time. Also, 22 of the 26 on the bin Laden flight were questioned at length, which may explain why some of the flights did not leave until a good two weeks after the attacks. Thanks for the correction on getting the intials mixed up on BDM.
The Taliban Issue---
A big point of Moore's is the Bushies relationship with the Taliban. Will, Mr.Moore there are alot of details you seem to have brushed over on this one.
--After, the Taliban had risen to power in Afghanistan and were harboring Osama bin Laden, members of the Clinton state department wished to 'give the Taliban a chance'.
--Also, the oil pipeline that was supposed to be built through the country was a project to be managed by a company called the Union Oil Company of CALIFORNIA. Not a Texas company with Bush ties.
--In 1997 State department officials attempted to go a visit Afghanistan only to be denied by the Taliban, that's right before Bush we wanted to have relationships.
--And the kicker in December of 97 a Taliban delegation, not just one guy, visited Washington to talk diplomacy.
--Ambassador Richardson of the US delegation to the UN visited Afghanistan in April of 1998, to talk about ending the civil war, thus leaving the Taliban in place.
- Subcabinet Officials held meetings on Taliban and al Qaeda in 2001 on the dates of April 30, June 27 and 29, July 16, and September 10( the day before the attacks). On September 10 they agreed upon a three phase concept to dealing with the Taliban and al Qaeda, that they were to formally submit to the President (bush). They included 1)dispatching an envoy to put pressure on the Taliban to expel bin Laden. 2) More diplomacy along with having anti- Taliban Afghan forces attack al Qaeda bases and 3) If these phases failed the US would overthrow the Taliban Regime.
- Also, in the movie Moore says "Was it that group of religious fundamentalists who visited my state when I was governor?” in referring to the Taliban and wondering if they had attacked on 9/11. How this is anything bad I would have to wonder, as the Taliban also visited as I have pointed out with the Clinton Administration, who actually believe it or not had more power as President of the United States, than Bush did during his service as Govenor of Texas.
yes Bush was Govenor of Texas when the meeting happened but he had no power over whether UNOCAL got the oil contract or not, and the main reason for said pipeline was to control the potential fincial doings of a known terrorist state , IRAN ( which had sponsored the Khobar Towers attack) and the ever emerging potential worldwise influence of Russia.
More on Money----
Anyway, the main sticking point of the saudi-bush connection is the 1.4 billion dollars over 3 decades versus the 400,000 per year Bush makes as president. Now the way the money figure is presented it seems like the Saudi's are just giving 1.4 billion dollars away to Bushes friends for the past 30+ years. So if its only 30 years, that is 47 million a year. Which then divided by 400,000 is equal to about 120 people. Thus as long as the money is being split amoung 120 people the Saudi's are "paying" Bush and his friends less than the American people are playing Bush. However, the money the saudi's are paying is invested into American corporations with ties to Bush. Since, Bush is located in Texas and the main business in texas is oil it makes sense that Bush would be involved in the oil business. And Since saudi arabia is the largest producer of oil in the world it makes sense that Saudi's would be interested in investing in their main business in the world biggest economy. Also, Moore seems to disprove his theory by showing that Suadi's invest over 700 billion dollars annually in American business. Thus the 47 million per year is only .0067 of the total money Saudi's invest in America.
Now, I'm not saying that Moore lied in his movie, what I am saying is that he skewed the facts and put timelines out of order so that what actually happened fits his reality. Also, he insinuates way to much without actually lying thus he can say that what he said was fact and the audience has to be let to get its own opinion which is borderline indeed. Moore's website actually states items that he left out which are the opposite of what he insinuates, yet it must be believed that he thinks most Americans will simply not look at the website because they believe that what he has said is true.
Ok, Mr.Bath did manage funds for the bin Laden family as he was qualified to do, but hte money he invested in Arbusto was his own money, not bin Laden money.
Now, from this information do you have any idea who this is who is posting these views. I can bet 20 dollars that it will probably suprise you. Oh I love using the type of wordings Moore would use.
P.s. I know you...
By Anonymous, at July 14, 2004 at 8:23 PM
Whoever you are,
I can't deny that you are extremely passionate in your hatred toward Moore's movie. Well, maybe it's not hatred, but someone who spends that much time refuting Fahrenheit 9/11 on a blog that about five people (including me) read is bordering on obsession. Not that I don't welcome your comments, far from it, but you should realize that this wasn't meant to be politically motivated. In short - if you want to rant, great, but if you lose the anonymity it might preserve my idea of a friendly conversation-based comment system as opposed to a debate.
By Zeus, at July 15, 2004 at 3:01 AM
ok whoever that anoyomous guy is in the first two he's bordering on plagirism as he just went to my xanga site and cut/pasted I think. Then he added some stuff that I talked about as well but reworded them. So obviously that person is cool.
And this anonymous is Mike, but i dont wanna take time getting a login name so ill just go with that for now dizzle.
By Anonymous, at July 15, 2004 at 5:03 PM
It does look like this person copied exactly from Mike's Xanga. One of the spelling mistakes was even copied correctly. Wow, something's up.
By Zeus, at July 15, 2004 at 7:36 PM
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