Tiny and I had our two year anniversary last night. As tradition holds, we went to The Acropolis. It was nice, we ended up being the only people there, as usual.
She got me the most amazing present. this. "Small Wasp Waist" - a silkscreen by Kurt Vonnegut, signed and numbered by him. Amazing. Most people know my love for all things Vonnegut and now I add another piece to my collection. It really is great. Apparently Vonnegut even talked to her in an email. Wow. Best present ever.
It's Allison...we miss you already!!! Hurry up and get your website back up so we can at least see what you are doing :) Jacob, Stephanie, John and I played poker tonight at John's, and for a while there, Stephanie and I were kicking John's butt isn't that amazing?? Anyway, I hope you're enjoying Iowa!!
By Anonymous, at August 21, 2004 at 12:25 AM
Allison is totally right Zeusy. Its not the same at all without you and a lack of updates to your site/blog will not be accepted. So come on. Hows college? Found a group of girls to take care of you yet? Cause you know you need it. Anyway have fun. We miss you!! Stephanie
By Anonymous, at August 21, 2004 at 9:06 PM
congrats, kids. also, as a fellow Vonnegut fan, that present is incredibly bad ass. i'll have to give Tiny a pat on the back if i see her before departing. i miss you too, buddy - we needed a fourth man for late night mischief last evening, and where the hell were you? Iowa. jeez. anyway, glad to hear college is going well so far. cheers. (from Matt)
By Anonymous, at August 23, 2004 at 10:35 AM
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