
Monday, October 04, 2004

miles watches over me

This weekend I had a fairly well wasted weekend and I think I deserved. The only probably is I can't get back into working again. I literally only read three pages of the Odyssey this weekend. Nothing else. Nope.

On Friday I just went to the Harris thing and stayed up until around 4:30. I definitely have trouble sleeping on the weekends. Saturday morning I had my first UC training. I had to wake up at 8 but they fed me doughnuts and orange juice so I suppose it was worth it. I slept most of the rest of that day then watched other people do work. Saturday night was the Treologic concert which was much better than I thought it would be. Saturday night I got less sleep then Friday night. Sarah stayed over and we ended up just laying in bed listening to Miles Davis until around 5:30. That was nice though, one of the best nights I've had here. I continued to sleep until around 4:00, only stopping for food. Sunday night we watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas while I continued to not do any work. The great thing is I still have time to waste. Awesome. I'll probably die later this week.


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