Pura Vida
I got my freakin awesome iTV cord today. It allows me to hook my Powerbook up to my TV with audio and s-video. It's fancy, better be, cost me like $40. I can watch movies now though. Sweet.
This weekend is a major prospie weekend I suppose. I don't like them anymore, the novelty has worn off. They just sit in my classes brooding, always brooding. Prospies will strike one day and I won't give them anything to drink. No, no, I'm too jewish now.
I'm almost certain that I'm going home with Sarah F. to Nashville for Thanksgiving. It's a 10 hour drive but it will easily be better than staying here. I've never been to Nashville.
Lots of Red Vs. Blue. Three new episodes in honor of Halo 2.
Enough of the randomness. By the way, I spell checked this with Blogger's built in spell check thingy and it said that the word "freakin" was spelled incorrectly and suggested the word "foreskin" as an alternate spelling. Ha.
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