
Saturday, July 17, 2004

I, Robot

Saw I, Robot last night, so I shall write my thoughts on the movie. First of all, I had bad feelings about this movie before seeing it. Will Smith producing and starring in a movie based on an Asimov book didn't exactly excite me. However, I tried to go in with an open mind. The first thing I noticed about the film was a plus: the Chicago of 2035 doesn't look forcedly futuristic. It's the most realistic portrayal of the future that I have seen in a long time. The insides of houses weren't changed much from today but the gadgets that they used and, obviously, the robots were futuristic. That's how it should be. Another good thing - the resemblance to Minority Report. It seems that they took a few pages out the Minority Report futuristic look. For example, the cars, the metals, etc. They didn't copy the extremely cool computers from Minority Report though. That probably would have crossed the line.

Now on to plot. If you read the book by Asimov than you should forget about this movie being a digital copy. I don't think they were trying to copy the book at all, they were just taking the concept. Just don't go in expecting to see the book word-for-word and you'll be ok. One of the arguments that I have with the plot is that it was way too action movie predictable. There really aren't very many unique points in this movie. It all seems to follow the preconscribed notion of what an action movie has to be.

You'll be happy to hear that it was too Will Smithed up. There was only one "Ahh Hell No" that I counted. He does make a terrible joke about being allergic to bull shit though. While the auddience laughed I thought it was neither neccesary nor funny. But, like I said, it was too much Will Smith.

Overall it's a good sci-fi movie that you shouldn't hesitate in seeing. Not bad.


  • Listen, Will smith is night but what about Bridget Moynahan. She's hot and dating tom Brady.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 18, 2004 at 3:56 AM  

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