
Monday, November 29, 2004


I'll try to outline my Nashville trip now. Pictures may follow, I took lots.

Wake up at 8:30, finish getting ready

Say many goodbyes and leave around 10:00

Hit snow, get delayed by about two hours

Arrive in Nashville around 10:00

Eat some good stuff, settle down, and other things? Can't really remember. Did I meet Sarah's friend Andrew that night?


Wake up and eat delicious pancakes by sarah

Tour Vanderbilt Campus and see the Parthenon

Chill until Thanksgiving Dinner which was excellent, eat lots of pie

Hang out with Sarah's friend Andrew again?

See I Heart Huckabees. Funny.


Go for Sushi, was good, enjoyed

Go to some coffeehouses as well as Downtown Nashville

Drink some with Sarah's friends

Late night at Wendy's


Go to the Produce Place that Sarah worked at with her and her brother

Go to Sports store and Target

Visit the Frist, see some good art, make some damn good art

Last night of hanging out with Sarah's friends


Leave around 9:00 for Grinnell

Get stuck at Cracker barrel for about and hour and a half, shave in bathroom

Arrive at Grinnell at 8:30

End Nashville trip

So it was a lot of fun, Nashville is a nice city that isn't too urban.


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