There's a BBC interview here with Elton John that does a good job of summing up the strangle hold that Bush has on American media today. He compares the fear in America today with that of the 50's during McCarthyism. He also points out the double standard with Toby Keith and the Dixie Chicks. Worth reading.
On a related note, there was a good political cartoon in the local paper today that shows Bush on Fox News saying, "I'm George W. Bush and I approved this newscast." Pretty good. A lot of people unknowingly watch Fox News thinking that it must be unbiased if they shove that saying down your throat every 5 seconds. You know the one - "Fair and Balanced" or "We report, you decide." America would be much better informed if they would watch CNN or NBC in addition to Fox News (if they must) or at least check some of the facts on the net. Not that the net is the best place for news but if you go to Google's news site you can get several different articles on the same subject. That seems much more Fair and Balanced to me.
Mike has a very good point. It's nice to know that people aren't out there absorbing and comprehending every single news cast to be fact. The only real way of knowing things is to know all the different versions. Understand multiple concepts. Because, no one literally knows the news unless they were experiencing it first hand. Know concepts, and ideas, instead of facts. I mean, shit yo. -John
By John Thrasher, at July 20, 2004 at 12:37 AM
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