
Sunday, October 31, 2004

El bandido rides again?

Halloween went well. My costume worked out great until dancing occurred then I ended up throwing it all over the place. That was fun. It was an ok Harris event, the costume judging was kind of lame though. Some other guy was Zorro too, I definitely should have killed him on sight, but I held back. Zack, once again, took alot of pictures. They are here. I took some as well but I am just too damn lazy to post them and I have this ten page poli sci paper due tomorrow. My room is a fuckin mess.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Marxy Pat: The Communist

Last night was crazy. I needed it though, I hadn't gotten ridiculously drunk in a while. While I normally love remembering things I think that when it's drunken forgetting it is kinda fun. Being told what you did the morning after is like watching a sitcom about yourself. That's the worst simile I have ever created. I hope it dies.

I'm being Zorro for Halloween or El Bandido depending on what religion you follow. I told max that I would have to be really drunk before I think that costume is cool and I think I take that back. I'm going to the best damn zorro ever. I get a cool sword and hat.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Puff the Magic Dragon

Before I forget, Zack recently put up a lot of pictures of our little pre-fall-break party. They are Here.
I took a lot of pictures of home but I don't feel that those need to be posted. They're terrible anyway.

On another note, my Humanities teacher is a pothead. We've seen other signs but the big one came today. First thing he says to us is that he had a dream in which the class sang a particular song that he asked us to sing. So he goes over to his little stereo thinger and plays the song - "Puff the Magic Dragon." Damn. And he does the stereotypical pothead giggle when the song finishes.

Monday, October 25, 2004


Well I'm back in Grinnell and everything is right again. The flight wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I ended up running into mary pat in Minneapolis, so we chilled for our 2 hour layover then boarded the same plane to Des Moines. That was a good flight, I had no one in my row or in the row behind me, good stuff. However, there were to screaming kids in front of me. Can't have everything. Anyway, we got into Des Moines and decided to watch Saved on her laptop to pass the time. So, not too excruciating. Now I just have to get myself motivated to start working again.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


It looks like I have everything cleared for transportation now. I'm probably going to get a ride down to states with Jacob and his parents then stay with Schroeder at College Park for the night. I shall proceed to catch my 8:50 flight and bare the long layover and long wait for a shuttle. I suppose I'll bring a movie to watch or something. I think Minneapolis has Wi-Fi for a few dollars. I'm down.


I got tested for allergies today. Not so bad except now it's official that I'm EXTREMELY allergic to grass. The people there were all amazed at the huge welts that developed on my back for grass. Damn, what a terrible thing to be allergic too. Oh well, I get really cool medicine now. Yay.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Stella was a Diver

So I was looking over my itinerary for my flight back to grinnell and I should really not leave these things to my parents. Worst timing ever. I leave around 9 on Sunday, this causes a dilemma because I'm going down to the Baltimore area for States on Saturday anyway, so I'd have to make the trip twice, blast. Maybe I'll see if I can stay the night with John and figure that out. Anyway, I have like a 2 and a half hour lay over and get into Des Moines just in time to wait 3 hours for the next shuttle. Damn. Stupid transportation.

Losing My Hair

I got my hair cut today. Boy did I need that.

Jacob didn't call me for lunch. I was supposed to go with him and Jordan and then go to his goddamn art project critique thing. Bastard. I fasted most of the morning for him and now I am eating with fury and listening to Bush.

I've been reflecting on what I've gotten out of my half a semester of college and I think the most significant thing is music. I have a huge fucking collection now. 20.38 GB, that's 13.5 days of music. Ridiculous. I feel like a major tool for ever buying music now, since it's so easily available.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Home Sick

I already miss Grinnell, weird. I suppose I consider that my home now. I'm such a nerd, I've been getting nostalgic looking at Zach's Pictures. I got a call from Sarah in Walla Walla today, although brief it is still nice to have contact from Grinnellians. I think I'll watch a movie.

Home Again

Well, I'm home now. It is pretty boring here. I got in yesterday around 4, went with my parents out to eat around 5 and then just chilled with Jacob, Jordan, Tim and Xan for a while. Oh, my parents got a new kitten that they didn't tell me about. It keeps scratching me. I really dislike animals that puncture my skin. I'm pretty sure I'm going to "accidentally" step on it.

I guess no one else is on break when I am, I figured that's how it would be. However, I think I'm going to the band state championships on Saturday so I should see a lot of people there.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Coming Home

For all of you who don't know, I will be coming home (to Cumberland) from this Saturday (16th) to Sunday (24th). I know most of you are still at school and what not but if you're not I shall be back in town so look me up. I will hopefully be going to the band state champs on the following Saturday, so I'm sure I'll see people there.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


A new Red Vs Blue site marks a new season. Check out Episode 39 Here. It's a good start.

First Midterm

Today I got my first college midterm exam back and I kicked ass. 28 out of 30. I didn't think I put that much effort into it. I must be a genius. It was in Humanities so, yeah. Easier grader but a nice confidence boost.

Monday, October 11, 2004


Going back to 10-10, Zach has some pictures up that seem interesting. The only pictures of me are from the pre-party and I am not looking so good. I should really stop messing up pictures. They can be seen Here. I always forget to bring my camera, so there's an alternative.

Sunday, October 10, 2004


John Edwards is coming to town tomorrow. I really don't see myself going. First, you apparently need tickets and second it's at 9 AM. I almost feel bad that I'm not taking advantage of these opportunities. I could have seen Kerry in Tipton, but didn't, could see Edwards tomorrow, but won't, and could see Kerry/Edwards in Des Moines on Thursday, but probably won't do that either. I guess it's because they don't particularly interest me. I feel like by seeing them on TV I've seen all I need to. Edwards kind of creeps me out anyway.


10-10 was rather uneventful for me and from what I hear it was for most other people too. I drank some at Dave's pre-party and had a few shots of random things that the rescue dogs were carrying but Sarah really wanted to get high and get high she did, extremely. So it was about 10:30 when I had to take her back to her room. I just stayed the night with her and watched her eat everything she could find. Most potheads I know actually aren't fat. Why is that? Not saying that she is a pothead because she certainly is not.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Ouch, My Liver

I was really thirsty. I thought it was cranberry juice. It was practically pure vodka. Thanks nick

The Infamous Stash-Mo

I was in the library today, gathering information for my tutorial essay when the most unlikely events happened. Alright so I was on the third which contains periodicals exclusively, I think. So it's not very populated, I rarely see many people there. Right so I go in and who is the first person I see? Stash-mo. Damn. Not only have I never had a conversation with this kid, aside from yelling at him when I was drunk, but I really have never seen him out of class, once again aside from the drunken thing. So I actually conversed with Stash-mo and not surprisingly it is very awkward to talk to the Stash man. Afterwards he continued to mumble to me while I headed off in another direction and who else do I see but Sarah (the Asian variety) also looking for a periodical. Weird. Two people I know. I think the world should end. Then Gabe comes, that kid is my stalker I swear. I saw him on the second and first floors subsequently, then back in the dorm. Weirdo.

Monday, October 04, 2004

miles watches over me

This weekend I had a fairly well wasted weekend and I think I deserved. The only probably is I can't get back into working again. I literally only read three pages of the Odyssey this weekend. Nothing else. Nope.

On Friday I just went to the Harris thing and stayed up until around 4:30. I definitely have trouble sleeping on the weekends. Saturday morning I had my first UC training. I had to wake up at 8 but they fed me doughnuts and orange juice so I suppose it was worth it. I slept most of the rest of that day then watched other people do work. Saturday night was the Treologic concert which was much better than I thought it would be. Saturday night I got less sleep then Friday night. Sarah stayed over and we ended up just laying in bed listening to Miles Davis until around 5:30. That was nice though, one of the best nights I've had here. I continued to sleep until around 4:00, only stopping for food. Sunday night we watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas while I continued to not do any work. The great thing is I still have time to waste. Awesome. I'll probably die later this week.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

middle schoolers beware

Friday was the first Harris Party that I've been to sober. They're not so great sober. I guess not having a clue what you're doing is a good policy for weekends.

Sarah, Indo and I went to this improv thing first. It was ok. I suppose after watching way too many episodes of Who's Line Is It Anyway? I held them to a ridiculously high standard. But that aside they were definitely good and I certainly could not do something like that. The seating wasn't so great though. I had to sit on the damn floor.