Apparently my humanities paper isn't due until thursday so I decided to post some of the Nashville pictures. Linky.
Apparently my humanities paper isn't due until thursday so I decided to post some of the Nashville pictures. Linky.
I'll try to outline my Nashville trip now. Pictures may follow, I took lots.
Wake up at 8:30, finish getting ready
Say many goodbyes and leave around 10:00
Hit snow, get delayed by about two hours
Arrive in Nashville around 10:00
Eat some good stuff, settle down, and other things? Can't really remember. Did I meet Sarah's friend Andrew that night?
Wake up and eat delicious pancakes by sarah
Tour Vanderbilt Campus and see the Parthenon
Chill until Thanksgiving Dinner which was excellent, eat lots of pie
Hang out with Sarah's friend Andrew again?
See I Heart Huckabees. Funny.
Go for Sushi, was good, enjoyed
Go to some coffeehouses as well as Downtown Nashville
Drink some with Sarah's friends
Late night at Wendy's
Go to the Produce Place that Sarah worked at with her and her brother
Go to Sports store and Target
Visit the Frist, see some good art, make some damn good art
Last night of hanging out with Sarah's friends
Leave around 9:00 for Grinnell
Get stuck at Cracker barrel for about and hour and a half, shave in bathroom
Arrive at Grinnell at 8:30
End Nashville trip
So it was a lot of fun, Nashville is a nice city that isn't too urban.
I added a sweet ass calendar thing to my site. Basically it allows me to sync iCal with the web. Plus, it supports RSS, but that's mostly for my benefit.
I updated the old site today, mostly because I had time due to skipping class. Linky. Pretty much everything is updated. Videos aren't because the couple videos I have taken are bad.
I've been listening to Radiohead a lot more lately. Kid A rocks my world. One of the best albums around, easily.
I took some pictures of fetish and put them on the site which I barely maintain anymore - Linky.
Fetish was pretty cool until I threw up all over my bed. Sarah was very nice and took care of me though. I threw away my sheets and will probably burn my pillows. A controlled burn is in order.
If it only takes this thing one hour to get from Australia to LA, then why the fuck does it take me like four hours to get from Iowa to Maryland. Damn it all. They need to rush this technology to the people. Revolution.
Ted Leo and The Pharmacists played here yesterday. They were pretty good. They were certainly talented and new what they were doing but I just don't really like there sort of music. That and we were all really messed up so large crowds weren't the best idea.
I love Wilco. This article reaffirms my belief that not all musicians are greedy bastards. In other music news, apparently Death Cab signed with Atlantic recently. This doesn't worry me as much as the fact that they're touring with Blink 182. I don't think they're the type of band that would change their music because of a record label. I also think that they're popular enough already, if they haven't changed yet, chances are they won't. But Blink 182? Come on......
So our school just got this Facebook thing last night and it's a rush to join. I was surprised at how many people would care about such a thing on a Sunday afternoon. Shows how much we procrastinate. It's fun anyway, seeing what people from your high school are doing.
I finally got the shit hole that was our room looking normal again. Damn that was filthy. I think Nick's stomach juices are still on the floor under his bed but that doesn't concern me. Then I took a shower and all sorts of hygienic things. It was great. Nothing beats the refreshment gained from pulling yourself out of a bottomless dirty pit. I think if I get some coffee I could have an amazing night.
I'm going to see Napoleon Dynamite for the billionth time at the Forum. Sarah hasn't seen it yet. It'll be ok I guess. It's a funny movie. Then I think we're going drunken/stoned swimming at the PEC pool party. I'm probably going to drown. Sweet.
Nick vomited a lot last night. And not just regular vomit, I'm talking crazy, projectile, stand back vomit. Scary. He got home after a long evening of working just wanting to drink. Poor guy, we were stoned out of our minds and his frustration could only be quenched by means of self-punishment.
I guess I fell asleep around 12 and didn't wake up until around 2. I remember him stumbling in, hitting his head really hard and passing out. Then came the vomit, then the ritualistic chanting in tongues. He's lucky Sarah was there, I would have thrown his ass out in the hall. She's a nice person, I am not. I think we need a new carpet now, bastard.
I got my freakin awesome iTV cord today. It allows me to hook my Powerbook up to my TV with audio and s-video. It's fancy, better be, cost me like $40. I can watch movies now though. Sweet.
This weekend is a major prospie weekend I suppose. I don't like them anymore, the novelty has worn off. They just sit in my classes brooding, always brooding. Prospies will strike one day and I won't give them anything to drink. No, no, I'm too jewish now.
I'm almost certain that I'm going home with Sarah F. to Nashville for Thanksgiving. It's a 10 hour drive but it will easily be better than staying here. I've never been to Nashville.
Lots of Red Vs. Blue. Three new episodes in honor of Halo 2.
Enough of the randomness. By the way, I spell checked this with Blogger's built in spell check thingy and it said that the word "freakin" was spelled incorrectly and suggested the word "foreskin" as an alternate spelling. Ha.
Nick has pink eye and probably herpes.... and AIDS. I hope I don't get it.
Have I said that I have the coolest job ever yet? Because I do. I just sit on my ass and do homework because they've assigned me strange shifts in which no one needs help. I feel like I'm much more productive with regards to my homework when I'm getting paid to do it. Maybe I'll by myself some candy or an icecream sundae.
Le Tigre is playing in like 15 minutes. I'm not sure if I'm going or not. They're pretty popular but what I've heard of them I don't really like. I suppose I should just go for a little bit anyway.
I died for a little bit there, sorry about that. Lets see, what has happened within the past few days. I went to see the Kopelman Quartet with Sarah. That was good, very good. They played some Tchaikovsky, so I was happy. Russians are number on in my book, which is a very small book by the way. I went to see The Last Five Years last night. It's a musical about a relationship. It had originality but the fact that it was extremely low budget took away from the production a little. Today, Max, Adam, and I went out on the Loggia roof and studied for a while. We always chased squirrels and shot things. Good times. Tonight I'm taking Sarah out to dinner. Should be fun. Well that was a nice update.